How I hide my sensible data

mulatinho - - 2 mins read

Nowadays is really important for some people hide and/or protect some personal data of other people, I’ve already explained how to encrypt a LVM volume in other articles and in my first video using xvidcap

Links: How to encrypt disk using cryptsetup Criptografando seu disco no Linux

But sometimes is really pain using all of these commands to open and close my sensible data, so I made a shell script called ‘mltcrypt’ years ago to solve this:

losetup="sudo /sbin/losetup"
cryptsetup="sudo /sbin/cryptsetup"

if [ "$1" = "init" ]
    if ! mount | egrep "$rdir";
        if ! $losetup -a | egrep ${disk} 2&>1 >/dev/null
        then $losetup /dev/loop0 ${disk}; fi

        $cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop0 ${from}
        if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit; fi
        sudo mount /dev/mapper/${from} $rdir
    cd $rdir
elif [ "$1" = "end" ]
    if ! $losetup -a | egrep ${disk} 2&>1 >/dev/null; then exit 1; fi
    dsk=`mount | grep "$rdir" | cut -d ' ' -f1 | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}'`
    sudo umount -l $rdir

    $cryptsetup luksClose ${dsk}
    $losetup -d /dev/loop0
    echo lol
    exit 0

So when I need to open my things I just type two commands $ mltcrypt init Will open all my data in /demo/.yeah

And to close this I just type $ mltcrypt end

To use that you just need to change the variable values: disk and rdir.

Hope it help someone! :)